Ask the Lactation Consultant
All YOUR Breastfeeding, Breast Anatomy, Pumping, and Breastfeeding Experience Questions
Answered in ~ 50 WORDS OR LESS!

The Areola
What are these bumps on my areola?
The bumps on your areola are called Montgomery’s Glands. They secrete an oily substance to help lubricate and protect the areola and nipple. They often darken and become more prominent during pregnancy and lactation.
Does milk come out of my areola?
Milk does not typically come out of the areola. However, there are cases where a milk duct terminates in the areola versus the nipple. If this occurs, it rarely poses any problems.
Are areolae different colors?
The areola of every person is unique to them, and ranges from slightly darker than skin tone, to extremely dark. The areola may be a solid color or may have different colors. This is all normal.
Will the bumps on my areola ever go away?
Montgomery’s Glands are most prominent when pregnant and breastfeeding, and tend to diminish in size and prominence after weaning. They may never go back to their pre-pregnancy state for most people.
How is areola size determined?
Genetics! Areola size is dictated by genetics. Some people have large areola’s that cover a large portion of the breast, some have very tiny areola barely visible around the nipple. It is all just variations of normal.
How much areola goes in the flange?
It is okay for some areola to enter the flange, but only a small amount. My typical rule of thumb is if it doesn’t hurt and the milk is flowing, it’s fine. If there are issues, I aim to change size, shape, and style of flange to prevent no more than about 5 mm of areola being pulled into the flange.
Can areola change shape?
Yes! With each subsequent pregnancy the areola can change in shape, and with weaning the areola may reduce in size. Areolas are often not perfect circles.
What causes areola pain?
Typically areola pain is the result of a clogged duct or breast trauma. If you are in pain, you need to talk to your lactation consultant to figure out what is going on.
Which part is the areola?
The areola is the flat, pigmented skin around the base of the nipple.
Read more about Breast Anatomy.
What is the plural of areola?
The plural of areola is areolas or areolae. Many people worry about knowing the proper term when asking for breastfeeding support, but you really don’t have to worry about this! Call them what you want, and I will help you figure out what you need for a better breastfeeding experience.
When does the areola darken during pregnancy?
When the areola darkens during pregnancy is dependent on the individual, but the most noticeable changes happen in the last trimester of pregnancy as the breasts complete the maturation cycle in preparation for breastfeeding.
What does the areola do?
The areola serves to allow the nipple to contract forming a better teat for nursing, and secretes oil from sebaceous glands (Montgomery’s Tubercules or Glands) to lubricate the nipple. The areola may also serve as a visual cue for baby to identify the breasts and nipples in the early days of breastfeeding.

The Breast
Can I breastfeed with small breasts?
Yes! The size of the breast is determined by the fat deposits, but milk supply is determined by the amount of mammary tissue. Size of the breasts is not correlated with breastfeeding success.
Why do breasts grow so large when milk comes in?
The breasts appear larger when milk comes in a few days after birth due to swelling. Hormones influence the amount of swelling, as does the presence of fluid accumulation from labor. Milk production quickly ramps up and often produces more than what your baby needs leading to a period of engorgement.
How large can breasts grow when milk comes in?
There is really no limit on how large the breasts can grow when milk comes in. The starting size of the breast, amount of fluid retention, and overall milk supply determine how pronounced this period of engorgement is.
How do you choose a good nursing bra?
A good nursing bra is one that fits you well. Measure you bust and compare to size charts to help you find the best nursing bra option. Nursing bras come in a variety of styles, prices, and with various features like hands free pump compatabiltiy, etc. Always read the reviews before buying a nursing bra, and if it isn’t comfortable keep searching!
What is inside my breast?
Your breasts are compromised of fat, blood vessels, mammary tissue (milk making tissue), milk ducts, and ligaments that support and shape the breast.
Read more about Breast Anatomy.
Why do clogged ducts happen?
Clogged ducts happen when milk is not drained from the breast allowing milk fat to congeal causing a blockage, or when inflammation and swelling cause the milk duct to be too narrow for milk to pass.
What is mastitis?
Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the breast, most often caused by bacterial infection. Mastitis can be acute where you experience warm hard spots on the breast, redness of the breast, and flu like symptoms, or subclinical where the infection causes low level ongoing pain.
Will my breasts shrink after breast feeding?
Typically there will be an initial size reduction of the breast during weaning as the mammary tissue that was responsible for milk production is broken down. Over time the fat deposits will return to the breast filling things out a bit.
What is breast engorgement?
Breast engorgement is when the breasts are overloaded with milk or fluid retention.
Click the light green tab on the far right at the top of this page called “Engorgement” to learns so much more.
Why are some people’s breasts so large but other people barely have any?
Genetics and hormonal development determine the size of the breasts. No matter what size your breasts are they are most likely fully capable of providing breastmilk.
Why is there black hair on my breasts?
Because human breasts sometimes have hair. There is nothing out of the ordinary, and many people have visible dark hair on their breasts, often times at the edge of the areola.
How do I minimize underboob sweat?
Wear a supportive bra in a breathable fabric. Underboob sweat can be uncomfortable but can be managed with products like corn starch, or body glide to minimize skin irritation.

The Milk
How long can breast milk sit on the counter?
Fresh breastmilk can sit out at room temperature for 4 hours in a room 77 degrees or cooler.
How long can I store breast milk in the fridge?
Breastmilk can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days.
How long can I keep my frozen breast milk?
Breastmilk can be stored in a regular freezer for 6 months, or a deep freeze for 12. After this time the nutrients start to degrade.
Does my milk change colors?
Milk can change color based on ratio of watery foremilk to creamy high fat hindmilk, food eaten, or medications taken. Color variations is totally normal!
Can I take breast milk on a plane?
Yes breastmilk can be taken on a plane. The challenge is often the need to keep it cool and not taking ice through security. Always check the TSA website for the latest guidelines and take a printed copy with you to back you up if there is an issue.
Can I drink my own breast milk?
Yes, adult humans can drink human milk. There are some health benefits to human milk consumption by certain adults with illnesses.
Does breast milk cure ear infections?
No. Breastmilk will not cure an ear infection. This is an old wives tale.
Do germs get passed in the milk?
Yes certain germs can be passed in human milk. The stomach acid of the infant renders them harmless in most cases.
Is My Milk Too Fatty?
Nope, human milk is perfect for human babies as is. No concerns about milk being too fatty.
How is Formula Different?
Formula is a manmade food designed to meet the nutritional needs of babies. Breastmilk is perfectly tailored to not only the nutritional needs of babies as well as support their immune systems and brain development.
Is Donor Milk Safe?
Donor milk is safe. You should exercise caution if obtaining donor milk from a source other than a regulated milk bank. Eats on Feets and Human Milk for Human Babies are reputable groups that help facilitate the sharing of donor milk through informal networking.
Where can I donate my milk?
Milk can be donated informally to another family, or directly to a milk bank. Milk banks have different rules for donor requirements, contacting several to find the right fit is advised.
Do I have low milk supply?
It’s certainly possible. The perception of low milk supply is concerning for parents and leads to premature weaning.
Here is a free checklist to assess your possible issues. If you find that you in fact have low milk supply contact a lactation consultant today to start working on your situation.
Is Low Milk Supply Real?
Yes, low milk supply is real and there is no single cause for it. Low milk supply is wrongly disregarded by many and that is a serious concern. Here is a good overview about Low Milk Supply
Is low milk supply common?
We don’t actually know how common low milk supply is, but we know it's real and that is all that matters. Read more about the truth behind behind low milk supply.
How do I make more milk if I have low milk supply?
The best solution for low milk supply is to work with a skilled lactation consultant to find a reason and target that reason. Supplements will only work if they are the right option for your situation. If you wish to try them on your own check out our Guide to Galactagogues.
What is a galactagogue?
A galactagogue is a food, mineral, herb, or medication taken with the intention of increasing breastmilk supply.
Download our affordable Guide to Galactagogues.
How do I store breast milk?
Breastmilk can be stored in a variety of ways for varying periods of time.
Does breastmilk transmit HIV?
HIV can be transmitted in breastmilk. This does not automatically eliminate the possibility of breastfeeding if you are HIV positive. This decision should be carefully weighed with your health care team.
Can I send breastmilk for my child at daycare?
Babies can be fed breastmilk by daycare providers. Human milk is always the preferred food for human babies, daycare is no exception.

The Nipples
Why do men have nipples?
Men have nipples because humans are mammals, and all mammals have milk. Fun fact, with hormonal and physical stimulation men can lactate.
Why are nipples sensitive?
Nipples are sensitive because there are a lot of nerves running to the breast and nipple. These nerves will ultimately allow the signals to travel to your brain to drive milk production.
Is my nipple too big?
Nipples come in all shapes and sizes. Many people worry their nipples are not normal, and this simply isn’t true. If you are concerned about your nipples and breastfeeding you can always check with an LC for that reassurance. Read more about Breast Anatomy.
Are my nipples elastic?
Most nipples have a fair degree of elasticity to the nipple. Pump flanges allow for unrestricted swelling of the nipple which can give a funny look to the nipple. The more elastic the nipple the more important proper sizing really is. Nipples are deemed elastic when they swell to fill flanges and stretch the length of the flange. To learn more, click here.
Why are my nipples white after nursing or pumping?
Sometimes this happens because of blood flow during pumping, and the expansion of the nipple tissue. We only worry about this if there is pain or issue pumping. If your nipples turn white book a consult with a LC to get it checked out so you don’t run into issues.
Should my nipples bleed when nursing?
No. Nope. Not good. Never. Nipples should not bleed when nursing. Nipples bleed from damage, and damage always means you need skilled support to figure out why. Seriously though, bleeding nipples shouldn’t happen.
Why does my nipple look like a tater tot after pumping?
Nipples expand when pumping, and certain pumps suction leads the nipple to temporarily hold the shape of the cylindrical flange. When the flange is too large to begin with this can lead to a tater tot shaped nipple.
How do I heal a cracked nipple?
Cracked nipples are healed by finding the cause and addressing it, while using the appropriate strategies to heal the tissue damage. With appropriate breastfeeding support we can typically heal a cracked nipple quickly and reduce your discomfort before it ruins your breastfeeding experience.
Can my nipples shrink?
Yes! Nipples swell with hormones, and in response to larger flange sizes. Often this swelling is subtle, but can resolve over time. If you are pumping it is a good idea to measure your nipples frequently to keep optimal flange sizing the whole time.
What are elastic nipples?
Elastic nipples are nipples that swell to fill pump flange. This is actually normal, but causes issues with several popular brands of flanges. Read more about elastic nipples.
How do I measure my nipples for pumping flanges?
Measure your nipples prior to pumping or nursing, and ideally at least 2 hours after the last pump or nurse session. Gently stimulate the nipple to make it become as erect as it will and then measure the height and width of the nipple. Use our free nipple rulers.
Who can measure my nipples for flange sizing?
All lactation consultants should be able to measure nipples. Look for a LC that specializes in pumping for best results. If you need help with this Genuine Lactation offers this service virtually so that no matter your location we can help you find the right flange fit!
Get professionally measured here.
What are tater tot nipples?
Tater tot nipples are nipples that have swollen to fill firm cylindrical flanges resulting in a shape that reminds people of a tater tot. This is most commonly from a flange that was too large.
Read more about tater tot nipples here.

The Opinions
Is formula bad?
Nope. Formula is nutritionally sound and is a valid infant feeding choice. There are benefits to breastmilk that are not present in formula, but it is ultimately up to the parents how the baby should be fed.
Should I cover up to breastfeed in public?
This is a personal choice and depends on your level of comfort. Breastfeeding is natural, and only your level of modesty and comfort is of concern here. If your baby hates a nursing cover but you want to be discrete there are other options to help facilitate nursing in public.
Is it illegal to breastfeed without covering up?
No, in the United States it is legal to breastfeed without covering up.
Is there anyone who shouldn’t breastfeed?
There are medical conditions that interfere with breastfeeding, and if you have concerns you should discuss this with your health care provider.
My partner isn’t supportive of breastfeeding, what do I do?
If your partner is not supportive you need to have a discussion about why. Sometimes there are valid concerns there that need to be addressed. Lactation consultants can help provide education and address concerns. In some cases partners do not support breastfeeding as a form of abuse, but most often it’s related to a bottle feeding culture and misconceptions.
When should I quit breastfeeding?
When you are ready to, and your baby is ready to. This is a personal decision and no one should be forced to quit, or forced to continue. Whether you breastfeed for one feed, one week, one month, one year, or more you did a great job!
Does breast milk taste good?
Breastmilk is very sweet. Most people report breastmilk to be a pleasant taste. Breastmilk is safe for humans to consume at all life stages.
Should I breastfeed an adopted baby?
This is a personal choice, but it is possible to induce lactation, or use a supplemental nursing system to breastfeed an adopted baby. This can help facilitate bonding and many families are happy to hear this can be an option.

Prenatal and Pregnancy
How will I know if my baby is hungry?
Babies give us great hunger cues and if we know what to look for it’s easy to catch the clues and feed before a meltdown begins. Babies are meant to feed frequently, if they are awake in the early weeks they are typically feeding, or will be feeding soon. This is normal and a good thing! Look at this chart of infant feeding cues.
Should I pump to induce labor?
The end of pregnancy is hard emotionally, and it’s tempting to speed things along. If there is no medical reason the best thing to do is be patient and wait for baby to arrive on their own. This will make the birthing process much easier. If you want to use a pump to stimulate contractions check with your health care provider.
Should I attend my hospital’s breastfeeding class?
You should take some type of prenatal breastfeeding class to at least familiarize yourself with breastfeeding. If you don’t have access, or don’t want to go to your local hospital’s class there are lots of online options!
When should I decide to breastfeed, pump, or formula feed?
Most people actually decide this fairly early in their pregnancy. This is a personal decision. If you are not sure what you want to do book a consult with a good LC to understand your options. We are trained in all things infant feeding!
If I were pregnant, would my supply decrease before a positive urine pregnancy test?
It is unlikely that you would see a supply decrease before a positive pregnancy test, as the supply decrease comes from the placental hormones which are not present at this stage of the pregnancy. The normal hormones associated with this part of your menstrual cycle are the more likely culprit.
Is it safe to continue my breastfeeding supplements if I get pregnant again?
If you are taking supplements for breastfeeding and get pregnant again you will need to discuss each supplement with your prenatal health care provider. Many things that are safe for lactation are contraindicated during pregnancy.
How can I maintain my milk supply during pregnancy?
If you are breastfeeding and pregnant your milk supply may be reduced by the placental hormones. Aside from staying hydrated, eating enough calories, and frequently removing milk, this is just the way it works. If you are nursing a younger infant we may need to create a plan for supplementation during the pregnancy. As long as your health care provider does not have concerns for the safety of your pregnancy we can often sustain breastfeeding even if supply is lowered.
Can I be sized for flanges before my baby arrives?
During your pregnancy your nipples will grow and expand both in length and diameter. When measuring prenatally we are not going to be able to achieve that perfect fit you will need after your baby arrives, but we will be able to after 36 weeks get a rough size estimate to help protect your nipples in the early days if you need to pump. This works better for a standard breast pump versus a wearable pump, but given you want to use a heavy duty pump in the early days to bring in your milk supply properly this is fine. Typically for prenatal sizings we want to measure anytime after 36 weeks, again 7-10 days after baby arrives, and again at 6 weeks postpartum.

The Pumping
What is a good breast pump?
A good breast pump is a breast pump that is the right fit for your needs. In my practice I have had the most success across the board with Spectra Pumps for the average parents needs. There are so many options out there though, review Breast Pumps 101 to learn more.
Do only working moms pump?
Any breastfeeding parent may need to or choose to pump to support their breastfeeding goals. The most common reason for pumping is separation from baby for periods of time or a baby who is having difficulty latching correctly. Working parents typically need to pump to support milk supply but pumping is not exclusive to working parents.
Is pumping hard?
Pumping is a lot of work. Typically we can work together to create a plan that is manageable though. It certainly isn’t easier than nursing, and should not be pushed in lieu of skilled breastfeeding support at the first issue with latching.
Why does pumping hurt?
Pumping shouldn’t hurt! If pumping hurts you either have the wrong size or style of flange, the suction on the pump is too high, or there is nipple trauma we need to address. Get professionally sized by an IBCLC here.
What size flanges do I need?
You need a flange size based on your nipple size and the style of pump you are using. We aim for a fit that allows comfortable nipple movement but prevents the areola from being pulled in excessively. Download our free nipple rulers here to start.
What is a nipple ruler?
A nipple ruler is a tool designed to make it easy to measure a nipple for proper flange fit. There are conventional tools that can be used but printable nipple rulers are free and easily accessed. Check out the free nipple rulers here.
What does exclusive pumping mean?
Exclusive pumping means supporting breastmilk production without latching a baby by using a breast pump multiple times a day. Exclusive pumping is 100% sustainable and is breastfeeding!
How do I wean if I exclusively pump?
Weaning while exclusively pumping is done by slowly dropping and spacing out pump sessions to encourage reduced milk output until your milk supply is gone. Use this chart as a guide for safe weaning from the pump.
What is a Flange Sizing Consult?
A flange sizing consult is a specialty service designed to help with finding the right flange fit. Flange fitting can be down in any consultation, but sometimes all you want is flange sizing help so that is offered as a standalone service.
See which Flange Sizing Consult is right for you.
Should I pump on a schedule?
Pumping on a reliable schedule will result in best milk production. The schedule that is right for you will be one that supports your goals and protects your milk supply.
How do I clean a breast pump?
Cleaning a breast pump is super important for safe pumping. Cleaning is best done with hot water, a clean sponge or rag, dish soap, and a clean basin separate from your sink.
How often should I clean my breast pump?
Gold standard rule says after every use. Some parents use the fridge hack to reduce cleaning to once per day. You need to consider the health of your baby and your environment when deciding the option right for you.
Where do I buy a breast pump?
Breast pumps are purchased from stores like amazon, target, etc, or from durable medical equipment providers.
Is buying a used breast pump safe?
Buying a used breast pump should be done with caution, but closed system pumps are considered safe for second hand usage.
Does insurance cover a breast pump?
Your insurance should cover a breast pump, but each insurance company is different. Contact your insurance provider directly to discuss what benefits you have to maximize your success with your desired pump being covered.
What is the quietest breast pump?
When it comes to standard pumps Spectra is the quietest, and overall Elvie Pump wins hands down! Both of these pumps are incredibly quiet and discrete from a noise-perspective. Read for more information about the Elvie Pump.
Should I own more than one breast pump?
This is a personal choice. If you own a standard pump you are likely fine to only have one. If you have a wearable pump consider having a standard back up pump.
Are manual breast pumps good?
I personally love my manual pumps. They allow more control over your suction and rhythm and with practice can make pumping much more efficient for times a standard pump or wearable pump is not a great option.
What are Kiinde bags?
Kiinde bags are screw top milk storage bags that double as parts of a feeding system. They are heavier weight than standard milk storage bags. Kiinde bags can be pumped directly into with adapters.
Can I store my breast milk in a Ziploc bag?
Ziploc bags are not the best option for milk storage. I recommend sticking with conventional milk storage bags.
Is the Willow Pump or Elvie Pump best for elastic nipples?
This depends on the size of your nipples compared to the available inserts in the the sizes you are most likely to need. Elvie is typically harder for elastic nipples as the tunnels are short, but in some cases the more gentle suction may prevent excessive stretching. A sizing consultation prior to purchase can help you make an informed choice.
Can I be sized for flanges virtually?
Yes! With a little skill, great pictures, the right tools for measurements (hint, hint….coins are not a super effective tool to guarantee anything but an estimate sizing, and other household objects are not at all useful for comparative measurements), and a great history questionnaire we can certainly get your ideal flange sizing done virtually! We can even do it without the need for a live session so your busy schedule doesn’t have to find a particular time to make pumping with great fitting flanges happen for you!

The Sex
Why do my nipples spray during sex?
Oxytocin is responsible for let-downs and is released during orgasm. The result can be a bit of a mess! This is totally normal and if it’s a problem a bra and nursing pads can help contain it.
How do I prevent leaking during sex?
Given the hormones involved the only option to prevent it would be to make sure you weren’t enjoying sex. I’m just not sure that is the best option. If the leaking bothers you a bra and nursing pads can help make things cleaner and easier.
Are the boobs off limits during sex?
Even during breastfeeding your breasts play a part in your sex life. It is up to you whether you are comfortable having them touched or not. Some find that they dislike their breasts being touched during sex while breastfeeding, but that they return to their typically feelings about their breasts after weaning.
Why do I let-down during sex?
Oxytocin! The good news is if you were letting down during sex you were enjoying the sex!
Can breastfeeding affect sex drive?
Yes! A combination of hormones and the intense demands of a young baby who nurses frequently can reduce sex drive.
Can breastfeeding make sex painful?
Breastfeeding keeps estrogen lowered, which can reduce vaginal lubrication. Sex can also be painful after childbirth due to pelvic concerns. If you are having pain during sex talk to your OBGYN or midwife to make sure all is well, and if it is just try some lube.
Can breastfeeding increase sex drive?
Sometimes! All the extra oxytocin combined with positive relationships with your partner during this transition to parenthood can result in an increased sex drive.
Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding?
YES!! Breastfeeding is not foolproof birth control!! Breastfeeding can inhibit fertility and allow a natural spacing of children, but if you are not open to a pregnancy, you need to consider a more reliable method of birth control. I love repeat clients, but unintentional pregnancy can be very stressful. If you need information about birth control and breastfeeding, get with your LC!

The Weaning
What is weaning?
Weaning is the process by which milk supply is reduced to the point of ending breastfeeding.
Why is weaning so emotional?
Weaning marks the end of a stage of parenting which can be emotional as you acknowledge your baby’s growth. Premature weaning can be hard to accept causing emotional distress. Weaning impacts hormones and anything hormonal can be emotional. Learn about Weaning Strategies and Tips.
When should I start weaning off breastmilk if I am returning to work?
You only need to wean before returning to work if you do not wish to continue breastfeeding. Pumping while separated can maintain milk supply for enable continued breastfeeding. How long it would take to wean depends on time postpartum and milk supply, that is best assessed in an individual consultation.
Will weaning trigger depression?
Weaning impacts hormones, which means it can trigger or worsen depression. Premature weaning is often associated with increased depression symptoms.
How do I wean if I exclusively pump?
Weaning from exclusive pumping is done just like nursing, we slowly space out pumps and stop a pumping session over time to allow the body to down regulate until milk is gone. Check out this awesome chart to help you wean off the pump safely.
Does engorgement happen when I start weaning?
Engorgement can happen with weaning, but can be managed with a solid weaning plan.
Will my period come back if I wean?
Milk production elevates prolactin, which inhibits ovulation. Prolactin levels reduce over the duration of breastfeeding, and rapidly during weaning, causing your period to return.
What age should I wean?
You should wean at whatever age you are ready to wean. Ideals are irrelevant to an individual dyad, no one should be pressured to continue using their body to breastfeed when they don’t want to.
What should I do if I want to wean but my baby doesn’t?
Parent led weaning is an option, as is partial weaning. Talk to your lactation consultant about how to best proceed with respecting your needs as well as baby’s needs.
Is there a medicine to dry up my milk?
There is, but it is not recommended for general use due to side effects. A better course of action for most people is planned weaning with non-medicinal methods.
How do I dry up my milk?
We allow milk to remain in the breast to tell your body less milk is needed, while managing engorgement to prevent infection.
What are this year’s WHO Weaning Guidelines?
Age 2 or beyond as mutually desired.
Will weaning help postpartum depression?
Not typically. This is a very complicated question and depends on the individual circumstances of the dyad. Proper lactation support to make an informed decision is crucial to protect the parent’s mental well being.
Will weaning help baby’s reflux?
No. Unless reflux is exacerbated by a food mom is consuming which is actually not common, breastmilk is better for reflux than formula in the vast majority of cases. As always a great lactation care plan and possibly evaluation for oral restrictions and dysfunction will produce better results than formula.
Will weaning help baby’s constipation?
Breastmilk is a laxative compared to formula. Often constipation is caused by an underlying medical issue, not a lack of formula.
Will weaning help baby gain weight?
Only if there is insufficient breastmilk intake or an undiagnosed allergy. There are other ways to address these issues.
Will weaning help me get pregnant?
Prolactin inhibits ovulation which prevents pregnancy. Some people will not be able to get pregnant until they wean.
Will weaning help baby sleep?
I wish! Baby’s often don’t sleep through the night regardless of what you are feeding them.
Will weaning help me lose weight?
Breastfeeding hormones can cause weight retention for some, and may cause weight loss with weaning. Though if you continue to enjoy those extra calories after weaning you will likely gain weight.
Can weaning cause nausea?
Any hormonal shift can trigger nausea, weaning is no exception. Slow weaning often minimizes this.

Breast Engorgement
What is breast engorgement?
Breast engorgement is the overload of milk and fluid accumulation in the breast. It may be confused with the hormonal swelling experienced during ovulation, menstruation, and pregnancy.
Is breast engorgement a sign of labor?
Sometimes with labor there is a feeling of heaviness in the breast due to hormonal shifts but prenatal engorgement is not typical. If you experience this contact your health care provider.
How does a hot rice sock relieve breast engorgement?
Heat can help the milk flow more easily when nursing or pumping which can relieve the overly full feelings of engorgement.
Why is my milk yellow when I have breast engorgement?
Yellow is a normal color for breastmilk, it is typically the higher fat milk that has this color.
Is breast engorgement a sign of pregnancy?
A feeling of heaviness and enlargement in the breast in response to early pregnancy hormones may be an early pregnancy sign. If you are experiencing this and think you could possibly be pregnant consider taking a home pregnancy test.
Is breast engorgement a first symptom of pregnancy
Breast fullness and heaviness is often associated with early pregnancy. There are other causes of breast fullness and heaviness though, but if you think you might be pregnant consider taking a home pregnancy test.
Can breast engorgement cause chills?
If you feel engorged and have chills you should be evaluated for signs of mastitis. Either contact a lactation consultant or your health care provider, timely identification and treatment are necessary.
How do I relieve breast engorgement?
Breast engorgement is relieved by frequent nursing or pumping, warm compresses, cool compresses, breast massage, ibuprofen, and hanging in there through this normal part of early postpartum breastfeeding. As my favorite postpartum nurse told me after my second baby, this is just a part of the whole process, and it will pass with some simple measures.
Can breast engorgement lead to mastitis?
Yes, engorgement that is not properly managed can lead to mastitis. Mastitis occurs when milk leaks from the alveolar sacs into the surrounding tissue causing inflammation, or from infection. Frequent nursing or pumping can prevent mastitis.
Can breast engorgement cause redness?
Some redness is normal with engorgement. If you have hot spots that are very red or streaked contact a lactation consultant or health care provider to troubleshoot.
Can breast engorgement cause fever?
Sometimes there is a low grade fever with engorgement. If you are concerned about this contact a lactation consultant or health care provider to determine if what you are experiencing is normal.
How long does breast engorgement last when weaning?
Engorgement when weaning depends on how rapidly you weaned. During weaning hand expression to comfort can help minimize this discomfort. It typically only lasts a few days to a week.
What causes breast engorgement?
Fluid overload from IV fluids, rapid milk production, poor breast emptying, or hormones.
What causes breast engorgement before my period?
Hormones! Gotta love those hormones!
Why does breast engorgement occur when my milk comes in?
Typically milk production rapidly increases, and is often more than baby can consume at a young age. This can lead to the feelings of fullness that are exacerbated by fluid overload from IV fluid in labor, and hormones.
Which cabbage do I use for breast engorgement?
Green cabbage leaves are used for engorgement. The evidence on this is lacking or inconclusive. I recommend trying warm or cold compresses first for a cleaner, less smelly way of managing engorgement unless you are attempting to dry up milk supply all together.