Boosting Your Milk Supply with The Baby Buddha Pump

Can this tiny pump really help you make more milk? Social media would have you thinking this pump is the secret weapon pumping parents need in their corner to make the milk flow. But does this reputation hold up? Can you really make more milk with the Baby Buddha pump?

It can. This is one social media fueled milk making legend that holds up to scrutiny.

It’s a powerful tool you can absolutely use to increase milk supply if you use it correctly! But it’s not magical so just purchasing it and using it sporadically won’t work.

So how can you use it to support making more milk?

First this pump is efficient at emptying the breast quickly when used appropriately- so you can pump a reasonable 30 minute pump session but be emptied in 15-20 on average- which means time spent pumping on an empty breast! Stimulating the emptied breast is a primary way to signal to the body that you want more milk! That long pull pattern is excellent at draining the breast once you get used to that long pull!

Second this pump is the pinnacle of portability. The size and weight of this motor make it no harder to carry than you cell phone. Paired with the right hands free bra or cups you can pump in almost every environment without sacrificing the power typically reserved for heavy duty large pumps. Baby Buddha gives you power without leashing you to the wall.

Third this pump plays nice with others! It can be paired with your accessories of choice to pump in a way that best meets your needs. Every breast and body are different. Everyone’s needs for what will let them pump are different. And these needs evolve!! What you need when you are home on maternity leave, busy pumping at work, or pumping on your family vacation are different.   Sometimes what you need for your first morning pump session is different than what you need at lunch. This is not a problem with the Baby Buddha though! It’s simple to hack and doesn’t require a lot of specialty items to be hacked to almost every flange or cup configuration possible. The unique tubing configuration is easy to modify on the go as needed so you can pump how you like when you like. This pump has the capacity to eliminate barriers to pumping to help you get the job done!

Fourth this suction pattern is designed to increase the speed of oxytocin and prolactin production- this increases the immediate signal for milk as well as boosts your hormones to support long term sustained milk production. That unique combination of short pulls with periodic longer sustained pulls may be just what your body needs to support your milk making goals!


And the best part…….Baby Buddha’s pump come with free lactation support. All you have to do is contact customer service and they will put you in touch with lactation support at no cost to you to help you make sure you have this pump fitted optimally, have the right accessories, and a solid plan for success.

Full disclaimer I’m one of the lactation consultants who supports this pump- and I only do so because I see such amazing results with this pump for so many parents. If you need help with this pump reach out and let me help you make the most of this pump.

And all of this means you can use the Baby Buddha pump to do the one thing you must do to see more milk…..

Pump often to signal your body to make more milk! And this pump lets you do all of this while carrying on with your life! It’s unique power and portability help to make this an invaluable tool for doing the hard work that comes with boosting your supply.

It’s perfect!


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