Hard Plastic Flange Hack for Willow Pump


Disclaimer: this hack carries risk of harm or damage if done improperly! You are responsible for your safety and the risks associated with using a hack such as this, exercise extreme caution! Genuine Lactation is not liable for damages done with this hack, you assume all risk and liability if you choose to use this hack.

Most customization options for the Willow involve using silicone inserts inside of the Willow Flanges to reduce the size, and given that we have silicone options for sizes 13-26 the majority of pumping parents are covered by this size range.

However we do have parents who measure at less than 13 mm who can benefit from a sizing option more ideal for them, as well as people who dislike/can not use silicone inserts. This hack has also helped clients for which a different angle of flange can make a world of difference in their comfort! In typical fashion pumping parents come up with creative hacks and tricks to make their pumps work for them, and admins of a Willow Pump group came up with a hack for modifying hard plastic flanges to use with the Willow! Pumping parents get quite creative and never cease to amaze me.

Note: I strongly recommend joining this Willow Group and watching all of the videos posted there before attempting this hack.

So how does the hard flange hack work? 

The end of a hard plastic flange is modified to allow the hard plastic flange to fit in a maymom/freemie insert 2-4 mm bigger than the size of the hard plastic flange.  This is the inserted into a willow flange or milk container.

Why do you need the maymom or freemie insert?

The hard plastic flanges create air leaks without the silicone insert inbetween them.

What size Willow Flange should you use with this? 

This hack works with 24 and 27 mm Willow Flanges.  27 works best to allow this hack to sit as flush as possible. 24 is easiest to prevent air leaks. You will have to try the options available to see what feels best and works best for you.

How do you modify the end of the hard plastic flanges? 

You have to cut the flared bottom off of inserts that are 21 mm or smaller.  Using a hacksaw was easiest on the nenesupply flanges.  The maymom inserts have a tunnel that extends through the flared end you you needed a file or hot knife to remove the end of the insert without loosing the necessary length. When done properly the length of the modified flanges is equal to the length of the maymom/freemie inserts and should be long enough to accommodate most nipples. If you feel ANY pain with this hack you should stop immediately to inspect and make sure your nipples are not stretching past the end of the hard flange. If your nipples do discontinue use of this hack immediately.


Could this hack allow for nipple damage?

You have to carefully sand the modified plastic inserts to remove all sharp edges!!

This hack requires being comfortable working with sharp or hot tools and being mindful of sanding well. If you are not extremely careful you could injure yourself cutting the flanges or hurt your nipples with sharp edges.

Yes.  This hack risks nipple damage if the flanges are not properly sanded, or are used with sharp edges.  There is also a risk of nipple damage if the nipple stretches past the end of the the hard plastic flange and mushrooms.  

What sizing options exist with this hack?

Please Note:

This hack has not been tested to my knowledge with flanges larger than 19 mm, I will update as I get this information! There is no reason to think that it could not be done with a 21, 22, and 23 mm flanges with the appropriately sized freemie or maymom inserts to seal the air gap. The hack is currently being tested for using beaugen cushions to seal the air gap.

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