One Pumped Mama Harvest Bag Review

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The One Pumped Mama Harvest bag is luxury meets practical- precisely what a pumping parent needs. Nothing more. Nothing less. It does everything you need a pumping fanny pack to do perfectly. And it does it while looking fantastic. I am a long time fan of this brand- her gorgeous bags are ones I always find myself wanting to carry! So here is the run down of everything you need to know about this bag to know if it is just the bag you have been searching for!

Beautiful hardware

You don’t always think of zippers and buckles as a luxury- you can pump with cheap hardware finishes. But the stunning solid metal finishes don’t go unnoticed. They add the right touch of sophistication and modern aesthetics to the Harvest bag. The zippers and buckles are metal and feel like they should last without concern.

Soft Texture

The material on this bag is incredibly soft and supple. Its pleasant to handle. The straps are smooth tight webbing. The harvest bag feels durable while still feeling nice. The material looks nice with the more luxury aesthetic but also feels sturdy enough to handle comfortably using it as a pumping mom around my ever sticky tiny humans.


This bag is incredibly lightweight! Wearing it with lightweight pajama pants let me pump without any issues, keeping everything situated. The bag is moveable along the strap which also makes for a lighter feeling while pumping as you can quickly shift the bag as needed to stay comfortable. And when pump sessions are 20-30 minutes multiple times a day this lightweight presence is really nice.


Pumping fanny packs are great, but they aren’t enough for most moms to take as their only bag if they are out and about. Stiffer or more structured fanny packs are hard to safely and comfortably stash in the stroller or a larger pumping bag for those glorious 2-3 hour stretches you aren’t pumping for. This bag squishes as needed with no hesitation or concern for damage. The flexible design also allowed for snugger fit against the body holding the pump more securely against the body. The lack of stiff structure to the bag is a noticeable advantage over competitor products.

Easy to Wear

The bag can be worn as a fanny pack or crossbody with removable straps. This lets you set the bag for the best wear possible with no heavy straps making either configuration feel clunky. The Harvest bag is designed to make transitioning between these options easy. I particularly love the way the fanny pack strap runs through the attachment on the back making it highly secure and comfortable on your waist. This creates a better balanced feel with less weight perceived when you are actually wearing it. It also makes it extremely easy to shift the bag as the bag slides on the belt with ease, versus needing to shift the entire belt.

Plus size friendly

Postpartum isn’t a time a lot of moms are feeling great about their bodies. And the mommy tummy is real. This bag boasts an impressive 53 inch band allowing for easy accommodation for fuller figured mamas with no extenders necessary.

Top Facing Tubing Holes

The grommets for this bag are on the top of the bag. This does make the bag more obviously a pumping accessory. It also makes the bag super easy to run tubing through. The top grommets made it noticeably easier to run my tubing under my shirt for the most discrete and comfortable pumping experience. I loved that this made it easier to position pumps in a more user friendly angle without creating a mess of tubing coming out at odd angles or through zippers. This feature combined with the extremely flexible design allowed the bag to hug my body and tubing to be run discretely allowing for a huge step up in discrete pumping with a portable pump.

Pumps Accommodated

This bag is perfectly sized for smaller portable pumps and can snugly fit medium size pumps like the Unimom Opera and the pumpables super genie. I didn’t love the medium size pumps in the bag though- it made the bag harder to wear and took away from the overall comfort of this pumping accessory. But its workable if needed. The mesh pockets on the interior make it easy to secure smaller pumps to prevent them from rolling around risking damage and settings getting changed. I hope as One Pumped Mama gets more user feedback on this bag she will consider a slightly roomier version for the midsize pumps- this bag is simply too good to stop at the smaller size in my personal opinion!

Overall thoughts

I love a good pumping fanny pack- they free you up to use a more traditional pump while allowing trustworthy hands free convenience. These pumping accessories have shifted the pump market away from wearables towards more durable and practical portable motors which is fantastic! The One Pumped Mama Harvest bag is a stand out amongst the competition and is certainly one I will be putting to good use. The price point matches the quality and is going to feel like money well spent to improve your pumping experience. And in my pumping closet full of options is one I am finding myself reaching for again and again without hesitation.


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