Join us for a live workshop on the pumping schedules. Skip the cute pinterest graphics that are not getting you the results you are looking for and let's talk about how to set a realistic, sustainable and smart schedule to meet your goals. Your pumping schedule is the foundation of your pumping plan and will drive your success far more than anything else you can control!
This workshop will be hosted live on May 20th at 4 pm Eastern/ 1:00 pm Central, 12:30 pm Pacific and 10:00 am Eastern. The event will be recorded and will be available after the session within the Genuine Lactation On-Demand™️ Program.
Register for Workshop Here:
This class is FREE for Genuine Lactation On-Demand™️ All Access members. Members already a part of the All Access Program will find the code to join this workshop for free in their client portal.
Cost for Workshop is $25.