What on Earth is a Tater Tot Nipple?


Unless you spend time in a social media support group for the Willow Pump, you’ve likely never heard of Tater Tot Nipples, and even if you have heard of them, you may have no earthly idea what this term actually means!

Tater tot nipples is a term to describe a phenomenon seen with the Willow Pump when the flanges are too large. Willow Pump uses a strong, constant suction, and remains latched to the nipple the entire time. This suction can cause extreme swelling leaving the nipples very enlarged at the end of pumping. For some people, the swelling retains the sharp, cylindrical shape of the nipple, resulting in an atypical shape that looks exactly like the nipple was replaced with a tater tot.

This is not to be confused with a nipple that is the same basic diameter, but stretched and firm, when unlatching the pumps. This can worry some people to think they have experienced the dreaded tater tot nipples, when in fact, they have normal stretch to their nipples and the suction enlarged the erectile tissue of the nipple temporarily.


With the Willow Pump we want a different flange fit than we do with a standard breast pump.


Comfortable and effective expression with the Willow requires a fit with the flange sized exactly, or nearly exactly to the nipple.


When the Willow Pump is properly fit, the nipple will stretch and extend in the tube and sometimes retain the shape of the flange for a short period of time, but this is painless and not problematic. Remember, we need the nipple to stretch in order to release oxytocin to trigger your milk to let down! Some people get very concerned when they see their nipples extended and firm like this, especially if it is accompanied by a darkening or blanching of the nipple. The rule of thumb here is that if the nipple is not painful, swelling reduces, and color returns reasonably quickly, then all is well.


Tater Tot Nipples are not a result of the normal stretching that occurs with the Willow Pump.

They are a direct result of poor flange sizing that leaves the nipples swollen and disfigured.


Excessive room around the nipple with the Willow Pump creates an opportunity for those with more elastic breast tissue to find themselves extremely swollen. People report their nipples feeling hot like they are on fire and extremely painful to the touch when this occurs.


Now does the reference make sense?

The nipple can literally become so large and unrecognizable that it looks like it has been replaced with a TATER TOT!


So are Tater Tot Nipples Okay?

Nope, Tater Tot Nipples are not a good thing. They are a sign that your flanges are too large, and overtime, that swelling will not fully resolve between pumps causing long-term trauma to the nipple. The longer this is allowed to go on, the harder our work to correct it will be. This is especially challenging if you are an exclusive pumper, and even more, an exclusive pumper dependent on the Willow Pump. The only option if this is allowed to go on long-term is often to put the Willow Pump away for a period of time to work on reducing the swelling to get a better fit.

Is there a way to avoid Tater Tot Nipples?

Yes!! Your best bet to avoid the dreaded Tater Tot Nipples is to measure accurately before you ever use the Willow Pump. This is a pump that requires accurate sizing 100% of the time to protect your nipples. Don’t take any chances and schedule a consultation today!


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