Willow 3.0 and Willow 360: A True Innovation or Just Marketing Hype?

Exciting news in the world of breast pumps – Willow has launched a new pump! Or so they say, as evidenced by the increased price tag and new branding. But they also say it’s just the 3.0 by a new name?

So is it really a groundbreaking innovative new pump, or just a clever rebranding of an old favorite? Let's dive in and uncover the truth behind the Willow 360.

At first glance, the Willow 360 may seem like a shiny new product, but don't be fooled by the marketing tactics. It's not a completely fresh design, nor is it merely a Willow 3.0 with a fancy new name and price tag. As discerning consumers, we deserve honest answers before investing our hard-earned money. So, let's break down what the Willow 360 truly offers.


Point of Consideration #1: Mechanical Changes

The Willow 360 boasts mechanical changes, including motor improvements and a tweak in housing flexibility. It appears to be an effort to address the quality issues that plagued the Willow 3.0. For a detailed analysis of these changes and their impact, check out Lisa's insights at The Natural Lioness (coming soon!!).

Point of Consideration #2: Housing Flexibility

Unlike its predecessor, the Willow 3.0, the housing of the Willow 360 is less flexible. While this may contribute to a more secure fit, it also results in a less natural shape and a greater reliance on a well-fitted bra. Fortunately, the availability of supportive bras has improved since the earlier models.

Point of Consideration #3: Sensor Modification

There are indications that the sensor in the Willow 360 has been refined to distinguish between air and milk flow more accurately. While this may prevent frustrating miscalculations during pumping sessions, it could also mask issues related to improper sizing, potentially leading to damage as the longer you pump with the wrong size the higher your chances of nipple trauma are.

Point of Consideration #4: Pumping Experience

Users may experience a smoother and gentler pumping experience with the Willow 360 compared to the Willow 3.0. However, this difference in sensation may pose a challenge for users accustomed to the previous model. I’m going to consider this an upgrade and likely a return to a higher quality motor as the rough movement of the Willow 3.0 was not a good thing- it was a sign of dropping motor quality.

Point of Consideration #5: Mobile App

A notable change with the Willow 360 is its integration into the Willow Go app, albeit with some technical hiccups. While this shift may hint at future updates and enhancements, the current interface may feel clunky to users familiar with the standalone Willow 3.0 app. There are increased issues with the new app with connecting the pumps, the pumps are less responsive to the app control, and they have a higher rate of disconnection from the app during a pump session. A petty complaint here would be they took away the ability to have a picture as the wallpaper behind the pump controls- it’s not inherently useful but it was motivating to remember why I was pumping each session when I could see my sweet baby’s face. It helped to pump even when I really didn’t want to! I think losing that feature is a downgrade.

Point of Consideration #6: Unchanged Accessories

Surprisingly, despite the marketing buzz surrounding the Willow 360, the accessories and parts remain largely unchanged since 2019-2020. This lack of innovation raises questions about Willow's commitment to advancement in the field of breast pump technology. There are issues with the parts that should be corrected after this many years.

Point of Consideration #7: Programming Issues

The programming of the Willow 3.0 has been a point of contention, leading to prolonged adjustment periods and high failure rates. Unfortunately, it seems that these concerns persist with the Willow 360, indicating a missed opportunity for improvement.

The Likely Endgame

It appears that Willow is prioritizing sensor and programming advancements with the Willow 360, albeit at the expense of addressing longstanding mechanical and design flaws. While future updates may enhance the functionality of the Willow 360, it's essential to acknowledge its current limitations.

Is the Willow 360 Worth It?

In conclusion, while the Willow 360 represents a marginal improvement over its predecessor, it falls short of being a revolutionary upgrade. If you already own the Willow 3.0 and it's serving you well, there's no urgent need to upgrade. However, for new buyers, the Willow 360 may offer slight advantages over the older model.

Despite its shortcomings, the Willow pump remains a valuable tool for parents seeking a leak-free, wearable pumping solution. While frustrations with Willow's lack of innovation persist, it remains the best option available for many users.

In the end, let's hope that Willow listens to feedback and continues to strive for genuine innovation in the realm of breast pump technology. There was a day where Willow was producing a high quality pump and if they wanted to achieve that again they could. A return to that quality of pump combined with the innovations in programming would place them back at the top of the wearable pump market in a way their competitors can only dream of. 

Want to Know More About The Concerns for The Willow 3.0? Check Out What The Natural Lioness Share’s In This Video!



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