Buying and Selling Used Breast Pumps

The buying and selling of used breast pumps is actually a really common practice in the pumping community! Most pumps these days are closed-system pumps, which means barriers are in place that protect your motor from contamination. With new parts, this means that while the motor was likely approved by the FDA as a single-user item, there is not necessarily a concern about the hygiene of the practice.

This blog details a little more in-depth on the safety aspect of this practice.

But today, let’s talk about where to buy and sell, and how to protect yourself as the buyer and as a seller including some red flags to look out for when buying!

The Number 1 Thing You Need to Know:

Warranties rarely, if ever, transfer from the original owner - and no, you can’t stay in touch to use the warranty. This is fraud, and given how many of these pumps connect to apps, it’s not difficult for many companies to track fraud. When you buy used, part of the discounted price is because it’s not covered by warranty any longer. If you want warranty coverage, buy new. It’s more expensive, but it is insurance for your investment.

What to Know About Buy/Sell/Trade (BST) Groups on Facebook:

Even moderated BST groups can’t prevent every scam. The reality is every time you construct a rule to prevent scams, an actual scammer will find a way around it. If there is an issue, report it to the group, but know the most they can do is flag that seller and try to inform fraud tracking groups. Some groups are better than others at moderating, implementing practices that reduce fraud, booting known scammers, and managing the safety of the group. Others seemingly could not care less if a known scammer is using the group as a playground for their scams. If this is a concern, consider purchasing through a platform like Mercari that provides a higher level of protection.

If you opt to use a BST Facebook Group, I recommend:

  1. Reading the group rules to see if practices are in place to reduce scams

  2. Searching the terms scam, scammer, fraud in the group to see what people have posted.

  3. Checking with other breastfeeding groups that don’t do BST for user reviews and recommendations on groups to consider.

Parts vs Pumps:

Parts wear out faster than pump motors in most cases, and parts can easily become damaged, warped, or defective over time. Scratches make sanitation difficult. Some parts are more prone to issues like Willow Pump Containers or Elvie Flanges. Bottles and hard plastic pieces are typically more sturdy. Silicone parts wear out and need replacement every few months - using silicone parts that were previously used IS NOT a recommended practice.

How to be a good seller and protect yourself from scams:

  • Price your items fairly for their actual use

  • Clean the items immaculately before you list them to identify any defects or wear.

  • Use clean and reliable packing.

  • Make sure the item is clean and dry before packing.

  • Disclose any known issues including if the pump is a replacement pump.

  • Take a photo with name and date when listing the items.

  • Take videos of the item working both when listing and right before packaging - better yet, take a video of the item working, show it’s clean, and show how it was packed. This protects you if you end up with a buyer who falsely claims something was wrong when it wasn’t.

  • Use PayPal Goods and Services for payment - factor that fee into your price. Don’t request forms of payment that leave a buyer unable to address issues.

  • Don’t promise anything in regards to a warranty - this is false advertising as warranties don’t transfer to new owners and trying to get around this is fraud.

  • Ship when promised or sooner. Don’t delay shipping if you gave a shorter time frame, and stay in contact if something does come up.

How to be a good buyer:

  • Ask any questions before you purchase - ask about use, damage, and functionality or anything that matters to you.

  • Pay promptly.

  • Stick to methods of payment that protect you - recommend PayPal Goods and Services.

  • Open packages promptly to inspect.

  • Check if pump is working when you first purchase it.

  • Remember that if the pump breaks later, but worked when you received it, that is the hazards of buying used.

List of Groups to Consider:

We make no warranty or representation of the groups listed here, and groups close down and open over time. If you know of a great group you want to see listed here, contact me via email and let me know!


How NOT to Destroy Your Wearable Pumps


Review of the Legendairy Duette Breast Pump