How to Use a Haakaa Pump and Keep it Clean

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What is a Haakaa Pump?

A Haakaa Pump is the name brand version of a silicone milk collection pump. It’s a hybrid of a milk collector that passively collects milk and a traditional breast pump that uses suction to remove milk. Haakaa Pumps are applied to the breast and generate negative pressure to encourage letdowns and remove milk from the breast. They are typically used on one side while the other side is nursed on or has a traditional breast pump on it.

Is a Haakaa Pump Worth It?

Haakaa Pumps were not a thing when I had my first baby, but there were when I had my third. So, I’ve personally had journeys with and without these pumps, and I can say yes, I think they are worth it. They are typically around $20, can help collect milk otherwise lost to a letdown into a nursing pad, can assist parents in building a small stash of milk, can help with engorgement, and they are great with clogged ducts. As a professional, I have seen a lot of client success with these little pumps, and they can be a helpful tool for many.

Are there risks with the Haakaa Pump?

Yes, there are risks to using a Haakaa Pump. Haakaa Pumps generate negative pressure and typically result in more milk removed than a traditional passive milk collector. This can be problematic in 2 ways:

  1. It can encourage an oversupply which does come with risks for many parents.

  2. It can remove a lot of the milk in the breast and cause a baby who lacks proper oral skills to be underfed. The milk removed by the pump gives a false sense of assurance on milk supply, and the baby appears sleepy and “content” as the underfeeding causes lethargy.

Is a Haakaa Pump better than an Electric Breast Pump?

The Haakaa Pump is not better than an electric breast pump and should not be used in replacement of a feeding except in conjunction with a traditional breast pump. Milk supply is driven by stimulation and milk removal. The Haakaa can encourage milk removal, but it cannot provide the stimulation needed to drive further milk production in the same way a baby or an electric breast pump can.

How does a Haakaa Pump work?

The Haakaa Pump is a silicone bulb that is applied to the breast in a way to generate suction. The negative pressure helps remove additional milk, especially when a letdown is triggered by nursing or pumping on the other side.

How much does a Haakaa Pump cost?

Typically a Silicone style pump, which is what the term Haakaa Pump refers to, costs between $10-$22.

Does a Haakaa Pump collect only foremilk?

Foremilk refers to the thin, translucent, watery milk that is seen at the start of breast emptying, particularly when the breast is full and milk hasn’t been removed for a period of time. There may be a tendency for the Haakaa to collect more of this “foremilk” which is viewed less favorably than high fat “hindmilk.” If the Haakaa is not being used on overly full breasts, this is not a concern, and even the “foremilk” is still valuable. It just won’t keep baby full for as long as the higher fat milk.

Can a Haakaa Pump go in the dishwasher?

Always check your manufacturer directions, but most Haakaa Pumps can go in the dishwasher.

Can a Haakaa Pump be UV sterilized?

Yes. UV Sterilizers are considered safe for silicone. Always check your Haakaa Pump for damage as UV sterilization can cause break down in all materials over time.

I have pain using the Haakaa Pump…

If you have pain while using the Haakaa Pump, you either:

  1. Have pre-existing nipple damage and need to be assessed by a lactation consultant ASAP to address this.

  2. Have the Haakaa Pump suctioned too strongly.

    • The suction is controlled by how tightly you had the bulb squeezed when you applied it.

    • Tightly squeezed means higher suction. Gently squeezed means lower suction.

If it hurts, remove it and try again with less suction. If that doesn’t address the issue, you need a pain and damage assessment.

Can a Haakaa Pump unclog a plugged duct or cure mastitis?

Yes, the Haakaa can be used to help unclog a plugged duct. Typically, it’s used as part of a care plan to address this versus the only intervention. As for curing mastitis, that is inflammation and infection. The Haakaa can’t cure that issue, but it may prove helpful in emptying the breast which is an essential part of a mastitis care plan.

How does a Haakaa Pump help with engorgement?

The Haakaa Pump helps with engorgement by removing milk from the overly full breast. This can help increase comfort by relieving the intense pressure in the breast associated with engorgement.

My Haakaa Pump has no more suction?

Check your pump for damage. Unless the pump is damaged, or applied wrong, this shouldn’t be an issue. If the pump is damaged, replace the pump and discontinue use immediately.

Haakaa Pump and Oversupply?

Haakaa Pumps can trigger an oversupply in some people, especially when used multiple times a day to encourage excess milk removal in the early days. Remember, your body doesn’t know the difference between the baby and the Haakaa, all it knows is if the stimulus caused a let-down of milk.

Haakaa Pumps can help parents with an oversupply to manage the oversupply while nursing at the breast by allowing a controlled release of pressure on the breast with less removal of milk than a traditional pump. This can help in the case of modified block feeding.

Is the Haakaa Pump right for you?

It all depends on your goals. If you are curious about the Haakaa Pump and it’s ability to support your goals, or you are concerned about how it’s impacting your breastfeeding journey, book a consultation for the one-on-one support you deserve. Not sure about pumping in general? Take our On-Demand™ Crash Course in Pumping!


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