Train your Let-down Reflex to Use a New Pump


Did you know your Milk Ejection Reflex, more commonly called the Let-Down Reflex, is a conditioned response? Your body learns to associate certain cues with the need to allow your milk to start flowing, which while inconvenient when it's a random baby in the grocery store causing you to leak, is a convenient way to teach your body to respond to a new pump.

Many moms who pump are finding that they would prefer to use different pumps at different times. As pump technology has greatly improved in the last few years there are more options than ever!

However, many moms find themselves frustrated when they want to use a new pump only to find their milk just won't let down for the new pump. This is especially true when they have been utilizing a pump that has an entirely different sensation their body has become conditioned to.

The good news is there is a simple trick to help your body learn to let down for your new pump! Over the course of a few days, you need to use the new pump on one breast, with your baby or old pump you let down for on the other. Do this for a few sessions a day alternating the breast you are training with each session. In order to protect your milk supply, you may need to initially finish your pump session by having your baby nurse on the side you were training, or using your old pump to ensure that you completely drained your breast.

If after a few days this is not working, having a lactation consultant take a look at how your breasts are responding to each pump can help determine if small changes need to be made for optimal pumping.

Happy Pumping!


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