LacTeck BabyMotion Flanges and Sizing
It’s not a secret that I really like the LacTeck BabyMotion Flanges. They are probably my top pick for flanges out of every available flange on the market. They are a smooth, heavy, durable silicone with a thin, flexible window that collapses with the pump suction to simulate the baby stimulating the base of the areola with their tongue. They are the most versatile flanges on the market with a size range that covers the majority of people and can be used with most available pumps.
Why are LacTeck Flanges one of my Favorites?
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The absence of the hard plastic ring makes for more comfortable pumping.
The flexible window provides compression which improves overall output and reduces the time required to pump.
There is an option for fitting most people, which is always great to have as an LC.
The flanges are durable and long lasting.
The flange tunnel is long and can accommodate even the most elastic of nipples.
They wash easily and quickly!
There is no learning curve with these flanges.
LacTeck BabyMotion Flanges function much like traditional flanges with no learning curve required for most people. The flanges are somewhat opaque versus clear which can pose a challenge for alignment, but that is easily checked with a mirror and the thin silicone window. The flanges are transparent enough that we can fully assess nipple movement in the flanges which is key to establishing if the flange is a good fit.
This thin silicone window collapses to stimulate the nipple and areola. This simulates the way a baby nurses and is responsible for quicker and more efficient emptying for many people compared to the traditional hard plastic flanges
The collapsible window does reduce the diameter of the flange, which means fit, shape, and elasticity are certainly things to consider when fitting for these flanges.
Sizing LacTeck Flanges
Defining an exact size for the the Lacteck flanges the way we do with traditional breast pump flanges is difficult. When we say a hard plastic is a 21 mm, what we are indicating is that the hard plastic ring where the funnel shape meets the tunnel shape measures 21 mm in diameter. For LacTeck flanges one of their most desireable features is the lack of that hard plastic ring. The LacTeck flanges have a graduated curve with the measurement referring to the tunnel without a clear point to measure.
The differences in materials, shape, and function make Lacteck Flanges similar to a traditional flange, but very different in terms of comfort and fit.
LacTeck Flanges come in Sizes 15 mm, 18 mm, 21 mm, 24 mm, and 27 mm
This covers nipple sizes from approximately 11 mm to 25 mm which gives us a LacTeck option for the majority of breastfeeding parents. The company is constantly coming out with new, innovative items, and hopefully in time, they will be able to justify creating even more sizes to cover those still excluded by the current size range.
They do not follow traditional sizing guidelines and many people find better success with LacTeck Flanges when they size down smaller than their traditional flanges. This heavily depends on how their nipples respond to the flexible window. For some people this flexible window stops the forward stretch into the flange, and they need closer to their traditional sizing. For others, they find the flexible window encourages more areola to be pulled forward into the tunnel due to the stimulation, and sizing down eliminates this issue. For people who measure in-between two LacTeck sizes, often it is necessary to trial both sizes and decide based on comfort and output. Nipple shape also factors heavily into the sizing with LacTeck with more conical nipples or oval-shaped nipples needing smaller sizing to prevent excessive swelling. Flat or inverted nipples that do not evert to an average length may struggle with LacTeck flanges as the flexible window could pinch the nipple.
While it’s impossible to make a size-for-size comparison to traditional flanges, here are the rough size conversions. Adjustments will have to be made for shape and elasticity which cannot be done with a simple conversion.
LacTecks can be Used with Most Breast Pumps on the Market
LacTeck flanges fit snugly in most traditional breast pump connectors such as the Medela connectors, Lansinoh connectors, or the Spectra Maymom base connectors. Many of the available pumps on the market can be hacked to use with one of these connectors and a backflow protector.
LacTeck flanges are a popular insert to be used in the Willow Pump, and for that use, they need to be closely fitted to the nipple to compensate for the constant suction of the Willow Pump. Like traditional flanges, your LacTeck size for Willow is likely to be smaller than the LacTeck size for your traditional pump. LacTeck flanges fit in a 24 or 27 mm flange/container, but the best fit is achieved in a 27 mm. The flanges need to be trimmed down to fit flush in a Willow pump.
Some people have had success with LacTecks in an Elvie Pump. The issue with this is how short the LacTeck flange has to be trimmed to prevent blocking the air hole for the Elvie. If the LacTeck is left longer, it often bends against the Elvie flanges due to the short support provided and can pinch off milk ducts limiting milk flow.
LacTeck flanges are a popular insert for hands-free cups, and while they are rarely flush, they only stick out a small amount. This small amount does not seem to interfere with the suction of the pump or comfort with the hands-free cups. This can be a fantastic combination for low supply situations in which this combination is the best option for maximum stimulation while accommodating a parent’s desire to have a discrete pumping option.
Overall, LacTeck BabyMotion Flanges are a fantastic flange option that can really make for a better pumping experience.
Are you struggling to find a good flange fit?
Do you want to know if LacTeck flanges are a good fit for you?
Book a consultation today!